Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Hump Day 2

HEY everybody who actually reads this! So i just wrote a long blog like YESTERDAY so i really do not have to much to say! I can tell you that I am EXTREMELY PUMPED about this evening, why you might ask.........CUZ ONE TREE HILL STARTS WOOHOOO! i have not been this excited about a silly little show since last year! lol! Speaking of season premiers...why the heck is 7th heaven back for its 100th season? Jeez, love the show and all, but if they were just going to bring it back then why the heck would they make such a big deal with the series finale last year?! yeah crazy! TV is grand...i love the fact that I actually get the opportunity to watch it this year, last year in College West i had none..yeah it sucked without One Tree Hill! How SAD! oh well enough said until next time...keep it between the navigational beacons!

oh I also burnt my ear on my hair straighener today..yeah im hurts like hell

Catcha ya on the flip side!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Monday September 25

Hey there everyone! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend, who am I kidding, no one even reads this I don't think so why do I ask questions...silly me. Anyways, another weekend has gone by and the month is already almost over! It seems like I just moved here again! So my weekend was a good one and I would strongly recomend that you see Jackass Number 2...I did TWICE! Good show, way better then the first one! I also got to go to the lake with a friend this weekend, since my roomate ditched out and went home for the weekend. I love the lake and I hope that some day I can own my very own cabin :) It is so relaxing out there no matter what the weather is like. Then I traveled to Strasbourg with my friend and we got to play with his ferrets for like an hour and a half. I love ferrets...they rock! I think that pets are just great. ( I am going to write somethign educational based!!)
What do YOU think of pets in the class room? I remember in grade one we had a hamster...he ran away one day..but me and my friend Cindy found him in a corner. I think having pets in the classroom is a great opportunity for children to learn about animals and it also gives them an idea of how much work pets can actually be. Any classroom that I have ever been to that has had pets, the children take great pride in them and look after them very closely.
There is my educational part, now back to my weekend. After we played with Fez and Honey we went in for a visit with his grandma and she took us out for supper! She is an amazing women who has so many interesting life stories and like any grandmother is just delighted when you stop in for a visit!
And that was my weekend, now its back to class and back to the same old same old. Who ever reads this should leave a HELLO at least in the comment box, just so i know who reads it!

Well...Catch ya on the flip side!

Oh...its almost time for the Black Eyed Peas...should be a good concert!
To a follow up on that supper i made the other nite...yeah it was amazing...i suprised myself...i have some MAD skills people MAD skills!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Hey high tech world!
Its all know what Wednesday is..HUMP DAY. Yes the week is already half over, wow how time flies. I really have nothing exciting to write about so here goes nothing.
Tonight my big brother finally comes home, well he has only been gone TWO WEEKS but hey who's counting. He is probably going to yell at me for sure because i talked to some of the guys he works with on Saturday night...yup I am for sure going to be in trouble :S Oh well, nothing new for me. We are going out for supper with him, his girlfriend and a friend from back home who FINALLY moved back to the city, its bad news for me that shes back, we tend to get into A LOT of trouble. Did you know that A LOT is actually TWO words and not one?! Who knew? WoW my mind is really not coherent today.
Tomorrow night i am going to be a chef. Well not really, I am just cooking a chicken, a whole chicken! I am even going to stuff it and make some yummy gravy. Sounds impressive I know. Then me and Chantal (my roomate) are having my brother, his girlfriend and our friend David over for supper. Yup its going to be good.
One of these days I am going to write something educational in my blog, someday....someday. Someone give me an idea of what I should write about and i can gaurentee you that I will write about it just for you. This blogging business is going alright and I can defintely see that it is a great way for people to stay in touch! Maybe I should start telling my friends from back home to get this stuff
Well alec is telling us that we are going to start class
so catch ya on the flip side!

Monday, September 18, 2006

The weekend....

Hey everyone! It is already Monday, holy cow! My weekend was just grand and wonderful! Friday night me and a friend went to the bar with Dionne, however i still felt like crap from earlier that day so we just ended up going home really early. Saturday me and my roomate had a small "social gathering" and had lots of fun! A friend from Prince Albert also came down that i met last year from Rez so that was defintely a ton of fun!
Sunday was pretty boring didn't do anything to interesting but cleaned the house and did some homework. Me and my roomate chantal :) also stole well "picked up" another friends vehicle so we cruised albert in it for a long time. It is amazing how many CHICKS checked us out! I love how people see a car like his and automatically believe it is a "guy." Good times!
Well talk to everyone soon!
Have a wonderful week AND catch ya on the flip side!

P.S. my email is if you want you can add me to MSN!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

September 13, 2006

Today in class i learned many things! There are so many free educational sites out there it is crazy. For example all the Tux programs. The math one is very tricky! Holy! it reconfirms that I am extremely bad at math. I think I need to go home tonight and play this game all night hopefully I will improve! The other tux sites are also very useful and can be incoperated nicely into a lesson plan, or could be used when the students are all finsihed what they are doing as a filler at the end of the day.

Also, it is quite amazing what word has to offer people. There are so many things in the program that people are unaware of that essentially saves lots of time. The table of contents would have come in VERY handy last year for some projects that we had to do! I can see the mail merge also very interesting.

I find that this class goes by SUPER FAST and all the information we learn in this class has some valubility in it!

Hopefully the rest of my classes will ZOOOOMM by like this one, then I can enter my appartment and have a nice nap!
Talk to you all next time and hope you all have a WONDERFUL day!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Hey ok here is my OFFICIAL first blog, since this one will actually contain some kind of information. The first week of school is over already, if time flies like this all year it will not take long for this semester to be done with!
ECMP 355 so far has been a good time! I have already learned more then i did in 2 classes then I probably did through my computer classes in High School! It is awesome! It is quite amazing how many sites there actually are out there for educational purposes and cool ways to keep in touch with everyone. Living three hours away from home its important to keep in touch with pictures and other things. Such things as youtube can be a very interesting website to look through and to get a good laugh when you are super bored and probably should be doing homework instead.

I look forward to updating and developing my personal "blog" wow that seems really hightech!

Ecmp 355 Blog

Ecmp 355 Blog