Monday, November 06, 2006

Tech Task #6

Arthur's 2nd Grade

We checked out Arthur's 2nd grade program for both windows and Mac. This program allows children to learn how to read, spell, synonyms as well as compound words. It also teaches math skills such as adding, measurement and telling time. This program also teaches students to be creative through arts and story writing. Besides this it teaches categorizing, as well as many special features such as progress tracking. The program has different levels for every different level of learning abilities. It was easy to install and fairly easy to use once in the program. The only problem we ran into was the accurateness that a child has to use while using the mouse and matching. It is made especially for children from ages 6 to 8 and in grade 2 level. The tasks to be completed on this program are geared towards this age group. The program is very engaging and the animations are very good and familiar to students. It is very organized and easy for a child to follow. It is set up through each of Arthur’s friend’s parents. They all have different jobs that they try such as accounting, where children learn math. The price of this program is very comparable to other educational programs such as this and runs for about $24.93. Overall, we would recommend this program in the classroom as it is very engaging and challenging for children to not only learn parts of the curriculum but as well as learning computer skills.

Crystal Ward, Sheri Missal, Krysta Wishlow

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