Sunday, December 10, 2006

Tech Task #7

So I recently got to participate in a session at tappedIn and found it very informative. It was much different then I thought it would be as I thought there would be more then just two other people myself and the person leading the session. It was very cool and I got to learn all about the website and how to navigate around it. This is very helpful because when first going onto the website I learned that I found it very hard to navigate and understand, but after going to this I realize that it isn't that hard. This website is FULL of rooms, I could not believe it. There are people from all over the world on it. Dianne (our leader) was very informed of the website and had no trouble answering any of our questions. She even showed me how to find Alec on the site and send him a message! (I didn't send him a message though, BUT I do know how now!) I found it very cool how you can jump from room to room easily and how this would be helpful in the classroom. It was overall a positive experience and I will keep checking back at TappedIn as my career progresses for more educational help!

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